Help move medicine forward and improve the lives of others.
MedSleep is a leader in conducting research and clinical trials with the goal of advancing the treatment options in sleep medicine.
Our clinical trials are conducted in compliance with International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH)-Good Clinical Practice (GCP), regulatory guidance and standard operating procedures.
Our highly skilled staff includes clinical research coordinators, a patient recruitment specialist and board registered polysomnographic technologists.
In addition, we have a full-time medical director/principal investigator and more than 20 consulting physicians with specialties in sleep medicine, psychiatry, psychology, neurology, respirology and internal medicine.
MedSleep clinical research has the following advantages:
For more information, contact us at [email protected].
Do You Qualify?
You may qualify to participate in any of our clinical research studies if you meet the study criteria.
SynAIRgy Study-Comparing a Fixed Dose Combination of Aroxybutynin/Atomoxetine (AD109) to Placebo in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common and serious sleep disorder in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. OSA occurs when the airway collapses as you breathe in. This can cause breathing to be paused from several seconds to over a minute. While many people use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines to manage their OSA, these systems can be cumbersome and awkward for some. Right now, doctors at select centers throughout the US and Canada are conducting a new research study that may be able to help. The study is for an investigational oral medication for OSA taken nightly at bedtime.
Why Participate?
If you’re living with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and have not had lasting success with CPAP machines or other treatments, you may qualify for a new clinical study. If you qualify and choose to join the study, you will receive:
See If You Qualify
To see if you might qualify for the study, and to connect with a local study center to learn more, please take the questionnaire below.
How did you first learn about the study?
Internet – Facebook/Instagram
Internet – Web Search/Browsing
Doctor Recommendation
Church Bulletin
Bingo Bugle
Community Event
Local establishment (store, barbershop, etc.)
Please enter your zip code:
Based on your zip code, the following study location(s) have been found in your area. Please select the location that is most convenient for you:
Toronto Study Site – City: Toronto
Ottawa Study Site – City: Ottawa
Are you at least 18 years old?
Have you been diagnosed by a doctor as having obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
Yes – and I have previously had a sleep study
Yes – but I have not previously had a sleep study
No – I have never been diagnosed by a doctor as having OSA
Do you often feel fatigued or run down?
How much are you bothered by fatigue?
Not at all
A little bit
Quite a bit
Very much
Please use the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator to find your current BMI:
< 18.5
18.5 – 25.0
25.1 – 32.0
32.1 – 42.0
> 42.0
Which of the following best describes your experience with your PAP machine use (such as CPAP or BiPAP)?
I use my PAP machine without any problems
I don’t use my PAP machine as often as I should
I can’t or do not want to use a PAP machine
I do not currently have a PAP machine
Does your work involve shift-work that causes your regular sleep time to be during the day, or do you operate commercial vehicles?
Do you typically smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day or 2 cigars per day?
Are you currently pregnant or are you planning to become pregnant or father a child within the next year?
Do you currently have an implanted device to treat your sleep apnea such as an Inspire device?
Do you have any of the following medical conditions? (Please check all that apply). If none, please select ‘NONE of these’ at the bottom.
Daily oxygen therapy
Severe heart disease
Neurological disorder (Parkinson’s Disease, seizure disorder, neuromuscular disease)
NONE of these
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